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Higgs Field Vibration

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 7:13 am
by mattymcgee
Once when I was playing my saxophone, a metal can would vibrate whenever I played a certain note. This is because the can had a fundamental frequency the same as or a factor of the frequency of the note. If I had multiple cans, that had fundamental frequencies that were factors of the frequency of the note, they would have all rattled as i played the note. In the higgs field, matter is the product of energy in a particular field, and the result is matter that is essentially a vibration in the field. Each piece of matter is made of these vibrations, and all the matter we know of has a mass of an integer number of amu's. I realize that this is not random, but by design, but nonetheless, if the matter has a mass that's an integer number of amu's it exists, but if it has a mass that is a fraction of amu's, it does not exist. Could it be that everything we encounter and can see is only visible to us because we have multiples of the same fundamental frequency, because are masses ar multiples of each other. By this logic, couldn't there be matter with a mass of 1.85 amu's, but we couldn't see it because it has a fundamental frequency that isn't a factor or multiple of our own matter. After all, it takes energy in a higgs field to create matter, so what are the chances that each body of energy in the field just happens to be what we would measure as an integer?

Re: Higgs Field Vibration

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 12:11 pm
by dcnick96
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