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How erosion changes earth's surface: Need catchy name

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 5:04 pm
by yoyoyomynameisri
Hi, it's me again. I changed my science project. Can you guys find a catchy, funny science project name for me. My science project is about erosion changing the surface of the earth. Thanks. PLEASE REPLY ASAP

Re: How erosion changes earth's surface: Need catchy name

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 8:53 pm
by donnahardy2
Welcome to Science Buddies!

I do apologize for the delay in responding to your question. It sounds like you have done a very interesting project.

As a science fair judge, I prefer titles that ask the question that is answered by a carefully controlled experiment. You have not provided any details about your experiment, but perhaps you could ask, “How does erosion change the surface of the earth?”

Please let us know more about your experiment and results if you need more help.
