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Landscape Fire-resistant Trees: Need Catchy Title

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 6:20 pm
by Ariel09
My daughter is doing a science project on what are the safest trees ( that won't burn quickly) to plant near your house. Looking for a fun and catchy title.
could you please give me some ideas...


Re: Landscape Fire-resistant Trees: Need Catchy Title

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 7:24 pm
by donnahardy2
Hi Ariel09,

Welcome to Science Buddies! You have posted your question in someone else's topic so I will ask the moderator to move you to your own topic. In the future, if you need more help, post your question in the same topic and the experts who are following you will be notified immediately.

Your daughter's project sounds like it's a really great project. Very timely and worthwhile.

For a science fair project title, I prefer to ask the question that is answered by the experiment. This helps the science fair judge immediately understand the overall goal of the project and to start to understand what has happened. For this project, your daughter might ask, "which trees will prevent files?" Or maybe, "What trees are safest to plant near a house?" Try discussing this with your daughter and see if she can phrase the question in her own words. Your daughter's question would be the absolutely best title.

I hope this helps. Please post again if you have any other questions.

Donna Hardy