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RE: White light and prism experiment to get VIBGYOR

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 4:50 am
by shweta1
In the following which color would you get on screen:

1. When you place green filter between ray box and prism

2. when you place red filter between prism and screen

3. When you place blue filter between ray box and prism and red filter between prism and screen.

Re: RE: White light and prism experiment to get VIBGYOR

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 2:17 am
by theborg

Thank you for your post. Have you conducted the experiment? This looks like homework questions. SB main goal is to assist with projects and experiments. Please provide more detail on the experiment you are conducting, the results you've already collected and/or articulate the issue you may be having with obtaining a result.