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Experiment help

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 3:05 am
by TiagoPDS16
Experiment: How storage temperature affects the pH levels in orange juice

I can´t decide what storage temperatures I should have for my experiment and even how many. Could I get some suggestions?

Also what are the factors being controlled and risks?

Re: Experiment help

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 4:58 pm
by stephen_lee
Hi TiagoPDS16,

So I would recommend having room temperature as your control for this experiment. By leaving the orange juice at room temperature that means that you haven't done anything to change its temperature (i.e. refrigerate it or heat it up). This makes it the normal condition for orange juice and should be a suitable control.

You can then measure the pH of orange juice at 5°C intervals above and below room temperature. I would probably have groups until you reach refrigeration temperature for below room temperature, and groups until you reach the temperature of orange juice that was left out in the sun.

Good luck with your project!
Stephen Lee