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Turn Milk into Plastic

Posted: Mon Apr 17, 2017 2:37 pm
by cmshepard
Hi, I am Avery and I am in 4th grade. I did this project using three different types of milk; whole milk, skim milk and 1% chocolate milk. I don't understand why the whole milk plastic weighs more than the skim milk plastic, because when I look on line it says that they have the same amount of casein in them. Would you help me understand why whole milk makes more plastic than skim milk?

Thank you,

Re: Turn Milk into Plastic

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 11:26 am
by kaylimasuda
Hello there,
Though this response is late, different types of milk so have different amounts of protein. It looks the same online because the difference is very small. However, a difference is still a difference. If your results are right, then whole milk would have more casein, or in other words "a higher concentration."

Kayli Masuda

Re: Turn Milk into Plastic

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 9:19 am
by cumulonimbus
Hi Avery,

Sorry this response is very late! Your whole milk plastic could also weigh more than your skim milk plastic if you didn't squeeze all the water out of your whole milk curds. If you did dry them completely, then Kayli's answer is the correct one.

Elena Lee