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How to Donate

Support Science Buddies and Student Science!

A child holding a magnifying glass up to one eye

Your contribution will help us provide resources in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) to
millions of K-12 students and teachers FOR FREE.

Join us in building the next generation of STEM-literate students!

1. Donate Online Using a Credit Card or PayPal

You can donate online using your PayPal account or a credit card (PayPal account not required).

2. Personal Check

On a sheet of paper, clearly print or type your full name, address, email address, and preferred phone number, in case we need to reach you. Then send it along with your check (made payable to "Science Buddies") to:

Science Buddies
Sobrato Center for Nonprofits
560 Valley Way
Milpitas, CA 95035

A receipt for your contribution will be emailed to you. If you prefer to receive your receipt by regular mail, please note your preference on the cover sheet.

3. Make a Gift to our Endowment

In 2007, a concerned citizen established an endowment fund for the benefit of Science Buddies. Entitled "A Fork in the Road- A Fund Providing a Path to a Science Career," this fund is a donor advised fund at the Community Foundation for Monterey County. Donate online via the Community Foundation for Monterey County's website.

4. Gifts of Stock

Please contact Tina Lanese: tina@sciencebuddies.org for instructions on making a gift of stock.

Do you have more questions about donating? Please see our Donations FAQ.

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