I Need Help with finding an idea!

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I Need Help with finding an idea!

Post by 4452d2ac560e45a4a47494346c512af6 »

Help! I'm an eight grader in advanced science, but I can't think of any ideas for a good project that is challenging enough for me. I heard of your aptitude in helping come up with ideas! I am interested in chemistry, biology, and engineering. I know that the point of science buddies is to find an idea, but I just cannot. I can't do human trials (including surveys), trials on vertebrates, or a demonstration of any sort. One idea I had was measuring the type of soap vs. the amount of bacteria, but that is a little overdone. Does anyone know how to make it better? I really, really need help!
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Re: I Need Help with finding an idea!

Post by AMohamdy99 »

Hello !

I like your enthusiasm to do something different and challenging, that is the mindset of a scientist :wink:

Regarding your project, there are a lot of ideas you can do but, so let's try to narrow it down to something you'd be interested in.
First the "type of soap vs. amount of bacteria" sounds great, but can you elaborate more on how you plan to measure the amount of bacteria because this would put some restrictions on the type of measurements you can perform. If you are not sure, let us know and we can figure something out. For example, one way you can improve this is to measure the amount of bacteria at different time intervals to determine not only the best type of soap, but also the rate of each type. In fact you can even make your own soap and test it against other commercial types.

Another field you might be interested to look into is energy which relates to both Engineering and Chemistry. For example you can devise an experiment to examine how plants harvest solar energy by making an organic solar cell
You might also be interested in making a battery
You might want to look into making batteries using different materials and see which combination is the most efficient (Look into Galvanic Cells and Electrolytic Cells)

You might want to look into the natural environment for some species for example you can try to determine the perfect pH (a scale for the "acidity" of a solution) for a specific type of herbs to live in :mrgreen:

Maybe you can look into the mechanism of fireworks, say how the different "blasts" are maneuvered to go off at different times so as to give many steps to the firework instead of one big Kaboom

Let us know if you find any of these interesting, if not we can try to find something else fun !!
Cool Beans ?? :D

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