hypochlorous acid...

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hypochlorous acid...

Post by m0o415 »

I'm doing my project that is revolving around hypochlorous acid and water. Is it possible to create hypochlorous acid without using the process of electrolysis?
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Re: hypochlorous acid...

Post by eedoherty »

Hi there,

What materials are you working with that you would like to use? Hypochlorous acid is the protonated form of Sodium Hypochlorite (aka bleach) so it is possible to form this from bleach by bringing the pH of a bleach solution (usually around 12) down to a pH below the pKa of hypochlorous acid (7.53). However, this would be a very exothermic reaction and you may also form dangerous byproducts so it is not advised to do this without a well defined protocol from a trusted source, supervision, and proper personal protective equipment. If you give me a bit more of an idea of what you are trying to accomplish I may be able to provide more help about how to move forward with your experiment.


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