Salt Bridge Over Electrified Waters: How Electricity Changes pH

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Salt Bridge Over Electrified Waters: How Electricity Changes pH

Post by MichaelManchi »

I mostly understand the apparatus of this Science Buddies science project, but why are you measuring pH? What is the application of measuring pH when water goes through the electrolysis process? ... background
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Re: Salt Bridge Over Electrified Waters: How Electricity Changes pH

Post by eedoherty »

Hi there,

The pH of the magnesium sulfate solution should be monitored to visualize the oxidation / reduction reactions at either electrode. Due to the oxidation and reduction reactions you will see an increase of either H+ or OH- ions at either end of the electrode which you can quantify by measuring the pH. This is explained in in equation 4, showing a buildup of OH- ions ( or a more basic pH) and in equation 5 with a buildup of H+ ions (or a more acidic pH).

Let me know if you have further questions!


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