Hot ice cream project trail

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Hot ice cream project trail

Post by azizee3 »

Hello, I am having trouble understanding TABLE 2 of this project. In TABLE 1 It gives us the ingredients for the base recipe and the amounts needed in Grams for each ingredient to make the base recipe. Then in TABLE 2 it says that for each percent of Methylcellulose the amount of base solution needed. This part is confusing me because in table one it gives us the amount for the base solution but it differs in TABLE 2. I apologize if I am confusing with my question... Thanks
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Re: Hot ice cream project trail

Post by eedoherty »

Hi there,

It looks like you need to make the base receipe according to table 1, and then use the amount of the that base specified in table 2.

For example, for the 2% solution, you will make up the base recipe, and then add 98 grams of what you have made to 2 grams of methyl cellulose.

Let me know if that doesn't clarify things for you.


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