how to show my data

Ask questions about projects relating to: aerodynamics or hydrodynamics, astronomy, chemistry, electricity, electronics, physics, or engineering

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Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Jan 21, 2008 3:15 pm
Occupation: student
Project Question: Which chemical used in swimming pools makes blonde hair turn green
Project Due Date: Thursday, January 24, 2008
Project Status: I am conducting my experiment

how to show my data

Post by kassidy »

I am doing a project on which chemical in swimming pools causes your hair to turn green. I am using a chlorine solution, and algaecide solution and plain water. What I am wondering is how do I show my data on my science board. In our district the judges like to see charts and graphs. This is basically a yes no project. Yes this solution did turn the hair green or no this solution did not turn the hair green. Can anyone help me on how to make a chart or graph with this type of data
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Jan 21, 2008 4:35 pm
Occupation: Secretary
Project Question: n/a
Project Due Date: n/a
Project Status: Not applicable

Re: how to show my data

Post by jjjv »

Make a Chart with 3 columns as follows:

Type of Solution Hair Turned Green Hair Stayed Same
List your solutions
here 1-3

Depending on your results checkmark the appropriate column

That's the simplest chart. Hope this helps.

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