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Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 8:03 pm
by noemiaprada1969
Anyone did a science fair project with bristlebots? ? Is there a way to make them move forward? My son, 3rd grader, is participating in a science fair and he loves those mini robots. Thank you, in advance, to everybody who might help :))) We got the idea from this site. Science Buddies has been such a great help in our science fair project research ;))) Best, NoƩmia Prada

Re: Bristlebots

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 11:51 pm
by theborg

Welcome to the forum and thank you for your question. Sorry for the delay in responding. The bristlebots are by design ones that move somewhat randomly based on a vibrating motor and the type and direction of the bristles. By experimenting with the shape of the bristles where they contact the surface it is on, perhaps you could influence the forces in a particular direction. For example, maybe shortening the front bristles so the whole thong leans forward. Not sure what the right combination of bristle configuration and motor placement would give the desired motion, but it would be fun to figure it out...

I hope this answer helps and isn't too late for you.