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Packaging Fruit Experiment

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 12:54 pm
by whollis
I am getting ready for the science fair on August 8th. I am figuring out if different packages will effect the growth of mold on a banana over a period of 2-4 weeks. I have a paper bag, zip lock bag, and a Walmart fruit bag. I am getting ready to review my experiment, but I do not know how to find a control variable for my experiment. My teacher says I may be able teacher says I could use saran wrap, but he also says it may not work. Do you know if that could work, or would something else be better to use?

I also have a question about the variables that stay the same. I would keep the bananas the same weight, color, and size, and I would put them in the same room with the same amount of light, and at the same temperature. Although, I am not sure if the bag size should stay the same. Would that mess up the experiment? Or would it be okay if they were different sizes?

Re: Packaging Fruit Experiment

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:07 am
by tdaly
Hi whollis,

For your control, I would suggest using a banana that isn't in a bag. If you leave a banana out on a plate and put it in the same location as the rest of the bananas in bags, then you will be able to isolate the effect of putting the banana in a bag.

As far as the other variables go, it sounds like you have a pretty exhaustive list. Good for you! Getting bags that are similar sizes is a good idea, but I'm not sure you will be able to find bags that are all the exact same size. You wouldn't want to do the experiment with a snack-sized Ziploc bag, a 3 cubic yard paper bag, and a regular-sized Walmart bag. But, a gallon-sized Ziploc, lunch-sized paper bag, and regular Walmart bag are fairly close in size and would work well for this project.

Post back if you have other questions!