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Decibel project

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 8:37 pm
My daughter is working on her Science Fair project. She sees an audiologist, and he told her that she is in noise 68% of the time. So we wanted to figure out where all the noise is coming from. We got a noise meter, and she has been taking readings in different locations, and during different activities she is a part of.

We are having a difficult time coming up with the question for this project.....usually we don't work backwards like this!!!

I was thinking of....
"Where is the noisiest environment/activity for a first grader?"

Any suggestions would be appreciated!!! :)


Re: Decibel project

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 10:56 am
by tdaly

This sounds like a very interesting project! It's one I haven't seen before, which is always fun to see. The question you stated is excellent. Good luck with the project! Post back if you have other questions.

Re: Decibel project

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 5:14 pm
by bradleyshanrock-solberg
I think your question is a good one, just narrow it down a bit - the noisiest place for your child in the entire world is a rather large topic, even if you limit it only to the places she might normally be able to get to on her own.

(narrow it down as in "where is the noisiest location for a first grader in her classroom" or "at school")

I agree - an interesting and unusual experiment. Have fun with it!