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Need Science Project Title!

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2017 9:37 pm
by Zahhra
Hi! I'm did my science project on finding the best nutrients for hydroponic lettuce . I grew lettuce plants in hydroponic systems and used organic, synthetic, and a mixed (organic and synthetic) brand as the nutrients. My control group was just water. I grew all of this indoors. If you could help me find a science project title for my projects display that would be great! Preferably not a long title, but one that is about my project. Thanks!!

Re: Need Science Project Title!

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 9:19 pm
by MadelineB
Hello Zahhra and welcome to science buddies!

Science fair judges appreciate straightforward titles so you could state the question/hypothesis that your project was designed to answer - like "What is the best hydroponic nutrient?"

Good luck at the science fair!