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Name for plant project

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 6:08 pm
by Kaitlyn17
Hi! My daughter is doing a science fair project where she waters plants with liquids like juice, vinegar, bleach, milk, etc. she is in eighth grade and is struggling to find title ideas. Any suggestions?

Re: Name for plant project

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2018 2:04 pm
by ertk
Hello and welcome to Science Buddies!

I think it's helpful to think of a title as two parts:
a) the "catchy" part: in this case, that could be something like "what do plants like to drink?"
b) the part that identifies the variables you are working with: for example, "the effect of different liquids on plant growth"

if you put these parts together, you would have "What do Plants Like to Drink: The Effect of Different Liquids on Plant Growth" which you could use as your title

I hope that this was helpful. Good luck!