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Need to interview a Computer Hardware Engineer by call

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2020 5:26 am
by samuelfirmansyah
Hi, my name is Sam, and I was given a task to do a short interview with an, english speaking, Computer Hardware Engineer for my 9th Grade English Project. I hope that you can spare some of your time to have a short interview with me. You can ask me ways to have a call with you that suit your convenience such as Discord or Skype. For further information, please respond. Thank you for your time. My email is :D

Moderator: I removed your email. I am moving this post to the "Interview Requests" forum. I've also removed your duplicate post since Science Buddies requests that you not post the same question more than once. Thank you.

Please review the Science Buddies guidelines for interviews. Note that all interviews need to be based on posting through this forum


Re: Need to interview a Computer Hardware Engineer by call

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 10:32 am
by rmarz
samuelfirmansyah - Sam - I'd be happy to try to respond to your interview questions. My career was over 40 years in the semiconductor industry, not the computer industry itself, but the design and manufacture of the 'chips' that were the basis of computers. Look forward to your questions.

Rick Marz

Re: Need to interview a Computer Hardware Engineer by call

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 2:19 am
by shakermove20
As a journalist, I can suggest contacting a local editorial office and finding contacts of an expert for an interview.