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Science CPT

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 6:11 pm
by trinity2102
so i have a scienec cpt and i am in grade 10 we are suppose to find an article about biology,physics and chemistry and then read it and for each give a summary of the article, explanation of the science and descripiton of my opinion but i cant find any articles that i can do for my grade- grade 10 so can anyone help me

Re: Science CPT

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 9:09 am
by cmpayne
Hi trinity2102,

There are many resources available online. You don't mention what type of article you are required to review, however. Can the article be a "popular science" article? A popular science article is written by a science journalist for the non-expert (i.e., gives just the highlights) and can be found in magazines like Scientific American and Popular Science.

Alternatively, there are articles written by scientists for other scientists found in "journals" or "proceedings." To find these articles, you can use a search engine like Google Scholar, JSTOR, or PubMed. Simply type in a topic you find interesting and would like to read about. The more specific, the better... You can also go directly to a journal's webpage to find scientific articles. For example, the following journals publish some of the most cutting edge research: Science,Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in the U.S.A, or Nature.

Your school or local librarian are also good resources if you still have difficulty finding an article. If you find an article you would like to read but it is behind a paywall, your librarian can also help you access the article by borrowing it from another library (interlibrary loans).

Good luck!
Dr. Payne