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Science Fair Topic: How can we stop caffeine addiction?

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2021 2:07 pm
by Shravan22
Hypothesis: If Rhodiola Rosea is taken, then it will produce the same effects as caffeine.

Before the test starts, the subject will have an EEG placed on their head, and then the subject will drink either caffeine, Rhodiola rosea, or just plain water. The subject will not know which one they are drinking.
First, the subject’s reaction time will be tested. with the below experiment :
A screen will be red, and when it becomes green, the subject will have to press a button as fast as possible. We will measure how long it takes the subject to press the button.
The second test will be when there is a box in the middle. The box will move to one of 4 corners and there will be a corresponding button to each corner. We will measure how fast they hit the button and whether they hit the accurate button to the corresponding corner.

Using the information collected, we will compare the results between the people who took caffeine and the people who took Rhodiola to see if there are similar results between their reaction time, accuracy, and brain waves. If the test results look similar, then we know that Rhodiola is a suitable replacement for caffeine.

We would like to know from you if this idea is okay or not.

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Re: Science Fair Topic: How can we stop caffeine addiction?

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2021 3:34 pm
by ctactawong

The study is interesting but may not be able to address your topic of stopping caffeine addiction. The study aims for measuring the effects in brain activity and reaction time. Perhaps the topic can be narrow down to finding a substitute to produce similar cognitive effect.

Another consideration is there's a possible placebo effect for coffee. If the goal is to study caffeine, a good practice is use decaf coffee as control.