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Ocean Acidification Question

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 8:25 pm
by Sci_parent

My son (9th grade) wants to try the Swimming in Acid experiment for his science fair project. I am his parent trying to help him, and have a background in chemistry but it has been awhile. One thing we wanted to try was to see if we could monitor the pH as the reactions are occurring by adding phenol red to the test jars. We are thinking of using 4 oz test jars. As long as we add the phenol red to the test jars at a concentration where we can see the color change, is there any reason not to do this? We will need quite a bit more of phenol red than normal, but the volume is not unreasonable.

A younger brother attempted this experiment at a pH of 6.8 and observed huge color changes after 2 days. Please see this thread for more info if interested.

Thank you for any advice!