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Newton's Corpuscular Theory And Modern Science (Need Help)

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2022 11:40 am
by Nue
According to Newton's Corpuscular Theory "The corpuscles(Similar to Photon) are emitted from the luminous sources such as Sun, candle, electric lamp etc." , however according to modern science every electron emits light when present in exited state . So Can Every Entity be considered as a luminous source or if not then is the definition of source of corpuscles limited in the Newton' Corpuscular Theory.

Re: Newton's Corpuscular Theory And Modern Science (Need Help)

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2022 2:16 pm
by ctactawong

Non-visible light has not been discovered at Newton's time. So in some sense yes, his definition of light source is limited to visible light only.