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Third Grade, Build a Bridge Science Projects (2 results)

Investigate what makes a strong and stable bridge design. Build and test a paper bridge, or use a free online tool to create bridges that can stand during earthquakes, or design trusses (frameworks to support bridges).

Science Fair Project Idea
Suspension bridges, with their tall towers, long spans, and gracefully curving cables, are beautiful examples of the work of civil engineers. How do the cables and towers carry the load that is on the bridge? Can a suspension bridge carry a greater load than a simple beam bridge? This science project shows you how to find out. Read more
Science Fair Project Idea
Bridges are big and beautiful structures, but they also need to be safe for the people who cross over them every day. Building a bridge that is safe and secure is a challenge to civil engineers. But the job is even more challenging if you live in earthquake country! Find out how engineers are solving this problem as they build a new bridge over the San Francisco Bay in California. Try some of your own Bay Bridge designs. Will your bridge design take the shake of a quake? Read more
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