Kindergarten Science Project Name

Ask questions about projects relating to: aerodynamics or hydrodynamics, astronomy, chemistry, electricity, electronics, physics, or engineering

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Kindergarten Science Project Name

Post by jcraubolt »

Hi all,

I'm new to the forum, and I'm hoping to get some help. My son spontaneously came up with an experiment that we are turning into his science fair project. He wanted to know what the black part of his eye was for, and when I explained that the pupil controls how much light gets into the eye, he had to try it out. He used a bright light to watch his pupil constrict, and he then turned out the light to watch his pupil expand.

He's very interested in the human body and how it works. I've been trying to come up with a catchy name for his project. I've thought of something like: How do changes in light affect our eyes? ... But that seems so direct and rather boring.

Any ideas would be greatly welcomed!


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Joined: Fri Oct 01, 2010 7:28 am
Occupation: Engineer - Chemical
Project Question: n/a
Project Due Date: n/a
Project Status: Not applicable

Re: Kindergarten Science Project Name

Post by audreyln »

Hi Joanna,

Sounds like you have a future scientist on your hands! Some catchy names that come to mind are "A Bright Idea: How does light affect our eyes?" or "Lights, Camera, Action!: How does light affect our eyes?"

Good luck,

Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Apr 30, 2018 10:00 am
Occupation: Parent

Re: Kindergarten Science Project Name

Post by jcraubolt »

Hi Audrey,

Thank you for your suggestion. After doing a little research we changed his topic slightly, but I absolutely LOVED your second suggestion. The title we are going to use is

Lights, Camera, Action!
How does shining a light in one eye affect the other?

It fits perfect with the theme we were planning to use anyway.

Thanks again!


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