Question about Build a Disk Siren activity

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Question about Build a Disk Siren activity

Post by Timmyyyy »

The disc’s can create a special sound is because the air is cut by the hole on the disc.
But when we did the experiment ,we discovered that the sound’s wave in frequency spectrum produces “Harmonics”.Why the trim cut air brings out Harmonics?

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Re: Question about Build a Disk Siren activity

Post by ADI168 »

The phenomenon of producing harmonics when the air is cut by the hole on the disc is related to the nature of sound waves and the way they interact with the geometry of the disc.

1. Sound Waves and Harmonics: Sound is a form of energy that travels in the form of waves through a medium, such as air. When an object, like the disc, moves rapidly through the air, it creates disturbances in the air pressure, which propagates as sound waves. These sound waves can be characterized by their frequency, which determines the pitch of the sound (how high or low it is).

2. Cutting the Air: When the hole on the disc cuts through the air, it creates a repeating pattern of disturbances in the air pressure. Each time the hole passes through the air, it generates a pulse of sound waves, essentially creating a series of brief bursts of sound.

3. Harmonics: Harmonics are additional frequencies that are produced in addition to the fundamental frequency (the main frequency) of the sound wave. When you hear a sound with a certain pitch (e.g., middle C on a piano), there are actually other higher-pitched frequencies present as well, called harmonics. These harmonics have frequencies that are integer multiples of the fundamental frequency. For example, if the fundamental frequency is 100 Hz, the first harmonic would be 200 Hz (2 times the fundamental), the second harmonic would be 300 Hz (3 times the fundamental), and so on.

4. Relationship to the Disc: Now, when the hole on the disc cuts the air rapidly, the series of sound waves it generates can have certain characteristics that lead to the production of harmonics. The specific shape and size of the hole, as well as the rotational speed of the disc, can influence the creation and strength of these harmonics.

5. Resonance and Air Columns: Additionally, harmonics can also be influenced by the resonant properties of the air column inside the hole of the disc. If the length of the air column inside the hole is such that it supports the standing waves of specific frequencies, it can amplify those frequencies, leading to the prominence of harmonics.

In summary, the creation of harmonics when the air is cut by the hole on the disc is a result of the complex interactions between the rapid movement of the disc, the shape and size of the hole, the rotational speed of the disc, and the resonant properties of the air column. All these factors contribute to the rich and varied sound spectrum that we observe when the disc produces its special sound.
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