I need help - converting cellulose into glucose

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I need help - converting cellulose into glucose

Post by Elandra8801 »

Hi, is the following procedure/hypothesis viable for converting cellulose into glucose?

Hypothesis: I hypothesise that 0.5% cellulase will be the optimum point at which the most glucose is produced while using the least cellulase.

Obtaining cellulose
1. Collect 60g leaves from the same plant
2. Add 3-4 drops of distilled water into the leaves
3. Grind plant material with mortar and pestle
4. Prepare a 2% sodium hydroxide solution
5. Add plant material to solution and stir for 5 minutes
6. Filter solution through filter paper and rinse with distilled water
7. Extract remaining plant material and spread out on white tile to dry

Preparing enzymic solution
8. Prepare cellulase in the desired quantities (0g, 0.1g, 0.2g, 0.3g, 0.4g, 0.6g)
9. Add 50ml of buffer solution to attain the desired concentration (0%, 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6%, 0.8%, 1%)

Testing enzyme concentration
10. Add 10g of plant material to 25ml of 0% enzymic solution in a beaker and stir to mix the solution
11. Incubate at 50 degrees celsius for 20 minutes
12. Filter the solution into a test tube
13. Prepare 10ml of quantitative Benedict's solution
14. Add 3-4 drops of quantitative Benedict's solution into the test tube
15. Pour the solution into the cuvette of the colorimeter and record the absorbence, convert into amount of glucose
16. Repeat steps 10-15 with different concentration of enzymic solution
17. Record the results
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Re: I need help - converting cellulose into glucose

Post by avashuster »

Hi! Overall, your procedure looks great! Nice job.

One thing you may want to consider is adding a negative control. Including appropriate controls in your experiment, such as a negative control without enzyme or with an inactive form of the enzyme will help account for any non-enzymatic reactions or background signals.

Also, just make sure you are following proper safety measures when working with chemicals like sodium hydroxide and enzymes. This includes wearing appropriate personal protective equipment and working in a well-ventilated area.

Good luck! :)
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